Dear Me,

I really miss you. I miss your cute smile, your time management skills, your spontaneity, your courage and your wittiness. You used to be so brave and courageous and you loved without limits. Whatever happened to that?

Did you let the world get to you so much so that you now live so guarded? You used to be so carefree; your fun-filled spirit could light up any room and anyone that you met almost instantaneously fell in love with your genuine self and personable personality.

Why did you allow life to restrain you and lock you away? Why did you allow it to take away your character traits? Do you even know and still believe in who you are?

I know in life change is sometimes inevitable, but some things only need to be enhanced more so than changed. Change is supposed to be for the better, for the greater good so I say embrace it, but I miss you! I need you! Someone else does too, I'm sure of it!

Let's find a way to merge the old with the new, you know what I mean? There's this thing call BALANCE. Let's seek more of that. I love you always.


Your inner self!